Space notes from Bee

29 September 2006

Earth Observation for Sustainable Livelihood in Rain-fed Ecosystem: Indian Experience (V Jayaraman, India)

The presentation tried to capture the socio-economic and agro-ecological factors that affect the vicous circle of poverty bringing poverty. Inherited exclusion and inherited Vulnerability are links; replicability and sustainability of these interventions, affect their absorption and community ownership. The Indian Remote sensing agency has been helping solve the issue through a spatial, sectoral and regional approach – specific, local, adequate and timely knowledge (data) holds the key.

An overview of watershed management over the decades – biophysical framework; soil and water conservation; leading to agricultural productivity, NR and socio-economic and povery dimensions

Soil and water conservation, land use planning, ridge to valley treatment and focus on wasterlands/village commons. Techno-convergence: dev. Communications, RS/GIS, Info technology, biotechnology. Natural resources management systems – Resourcesat, cartosat, oceansat. Indian EO Strategy: National watershed development programme. National pilot study translated into national strategy. Reclamation of wasteland for green growth – for better livelihood so that poverty can be irridicated. Intergrated mission for sustainable development (IMSD). Participatory Watershed development has been a great success in Karnataka.

Inclusion of weather info, pest and disease incidence, agri insurance, fertilizer requirement helps reduce risk. Now focused on taluka levels, hot stressed spots in India for a village resource centre that can be have tele-education, telemedicine, etc.


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